See You Soon | Teen Ink

See You Soon

August 9, 2015
By julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There's never a right time to say goodbye


But please don't let them make you sad


For we must say goodbye before we can meet again.


And meeting again after moments or years


Is certain for those who are friends.


And some friends are like stars in the sky


You can't always see them but you know they are there


And I'm so lucky to have something that makes it so hard to say goodbye to


but good friends don't say goodbye, they say see you soon.


so never say goodbye because goodbye means going away forever and going away forever means forgetting.


and friendship is about understanding and not arguing 


it means forgiveness and not forgetting.


but most of all, it means the memories last even if contact is lost.


and you and I will meet again


when we are least expecting it, in a far off place


I'll recognize your face


So I refuse to say goodbye my friend


for you and I shall meet again.

The author's comments:

This poem is really important to me because when I wrote it, my summer camp program had just ended. I was feeling really depressed all the time, and when I went to camp, I had felt the happiest I had felt in a really long time. I stopped being sad and stopped the self-harm. I made a lot of friends, and it made me realize how badly I needed help. 

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