Betrayal | Teen Ink


August 5, 2015
By CellaMondegrine BRONZE, FREMONT,
CellaMondegrine BRONZE, FREMONT,
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Work hard.<br /> Play hard.<br /> Breathe deep.<br /> Sleep fast.<br /> Love well.<br /> Live to the fullest.

Was love supposed

To hurt this much?
My knees are shaking.
The world has fallen away,
And left only you.
I am pinned
by your fervent gaze.
I can’t remember
really seeing your eyes,
every variance of soul,
every dash and nuance of light
pooled within blue depths
There is a small grain of salt
caught on one eyelash.
My world is trembling
With a crimson pulse,
blood electric,
through wired veins.
My eyes betray me,
leak furious tears.
Your creased white hand
Brushes my cheek,
and I don’t know
If I want to hit you
Or kiss you.

The author's comments:

Blue eyes in the sun.

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