The Truth That Remains | Teen Ink

The Truth That Remains

July 20, 2015
By jungk1 BRONZE, Douglaston, New York
jungk1 BRONZE, Douglaston, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be" -Sonia Ricotti

The world is a blur

It doesn't wait

And unless I move along with it

I will remain the same




So I must make a move

Although I wish to stay

One second you're there

The next, somewhere far away


In picutres we will remain

There, we are still 


Feelings the same


Every one a memory 

That leaves me in pain

Unconsciously they seep out

And take me to the old days


How I wish to go back

To when we were together

But you are gone

A truth that cannot be changed forever

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