you & i, in regard to the stars | Teen Ink

you & i, in regard to the stars

July 12, 2015
By writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
writergirl1111 GOLD, Matthews, North Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 71 comments

there is a certain appeal to being lovers
written in the stars,
as if fate herself has perfectly penned your story
and there is nothing in the world that
can hope to alter it.
but fate is not our author, and
you & i are not
written in the stars.
our chronicle is not perfectly penned
by fate, or dictated by destiny.
you & i have spilled
the pen's rosy, golden ink across the sky,
and bathed in the freedom of expression.
we've dipped our quills in the clouds and written our lines
in wild cursive across the vastness.
you & i are not
written in the stars,
but we have woven ourselves
into every inch of the universe.

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