Just One | Teen Ink

Just One

July 14, 2015
By julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For my new school next year I could choose to be the smart one


the nice one...


or the popular one...


but it all depends on how life plays out


and the person I choose to be


So if I could ask for just one thing,


it would be a single picture of you and me


to tell me who to be


and to remind me of who I really am


Who ever I am


and who ever I may become


I'll always have that picture of you and me to give me confidence with whoever I choose to be.


One picture can represent more than a thousand words,


and you don't have to smile or do something funny


just stand there with me and show me you care


because to me


that one picture of you and me


will last for eternity...

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