Hurting | Teen Ink


July 14, 2015
By julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
julie_oconnor GOLD, Attleboro, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You make me sore


In every part of my body


In my arms and legs


My hands and feet


but mostly in my heart.


Waiting for you to come around


and finally giving me what I want, love,


may not seem very bad


but in reality, the pain you have caused me


seems impossible to bear...


But it doesn't physically hurt


like being stabbed with a pocket knife


or emotionally or mentally


but all of the above in one single place


Painfully keeping motivated to move on and forget you


but movine on seems impossible


all because of your words and lies and looks and actions and your personality and everything about you that I fell in love with.


So in fact, 


It's your fault...

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