A Mile | Teen Ink

A Mile

July 1, 2015
By KhaelVibes BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
KhaelVibes BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why even chase after something that doesn't Want to be caught"

A Mile driving to your "true love's" house isn't far right? But what about walking...A mile so far through the woods..so dark, lonely, and scary it is but that shouldn't matter right? Is it worth it? Or Will that single Mile make or break your commitment? Is she so special you say? Or is she just something you can forget? You text her you love her but are you just all talk? She say prove it but you just text her a huge paragraph saying you do and thinking she'll be happy. Nah kid you got it all wrong, a mile is only 5280 feet away . You walk that going up the stairs texting her your my true love, so what is so difficult about using tho 5280 feet to walk over to tell her she's your true love? She walked it 4 times just to see you so why can't you do it for her? She complain's "her feet hurt for walking a mile to see you" then she say "a mile is far ,but a mile isn't far if your gonna see something so dear to your heart it shows how much in love I am with you". A mile feels like a walk to a corner store not far but it depends on the person. A mile walk will provide you with an answer. A mile walk isn't cancer so why fear something you can beat ? A mile away from her heart can feel like walking through a scorching hot desert. Remember the four guys who was following the star in the sky because they wanted to reach it? Her heart should be that star that lights up your night that makes you want to fight for her heart. A Mile can make or break you . So would you let it break you or make you?

The author's comments:

My bestfriend told me to write at poem so I did . I finished it at 3 am

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Char said...
on Jul. 2 2015 at 10:59 pm
Very nice!!!