The First Time I Met Him | Teen Ink

The First Time I Met Him

May 26, 2015
By Lil-Silbs BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Lil-Silbs BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"it's not just the pin and the way you wear it, but the love you receive and the way you share it."

The first time I met him, he gave me the Sun

To provide warmth in my smile,
To send rays of compassion to all.
My weak arms couldn’t hold the massive responsibility.

He said even when I cry,
I still glow -- the gift of sunlight --
Emanating from my skin, illuminating his path.
The newfound air of confidence drew eyes in my direction
For the very first time.

He was the keeper of the Sun -- Helios on a chariot --
But I never understood why he chose to lift me up
On a pedestal of prominence, as if I, the insecure,
Quiet brunette could ever be expected to share
The gold of his touch,
The shine of his smile,
The luminance of his eyes.

Over time, I grew stronger,
And the Sun’s weight no longer fazed me,
As my head rested more comfortably raised up on my shoulders
Than it did hanging -- staring at my feet.
To carry it was routine,
Expecting generosity and respect wherever I went,
Strong enough to stand up if I didn’t receive
The warmth equal to what I gave,
And what he gave me.

The author's comments:

Sometimes you meet someone and you feel like you're floating. It's crazy how one person can change your life so much. Maybe that's what makes life worth living -- the people you meet -- or even that special someone who evokes such intense butterflies inside of your stomach that you can't imagine how you lived without them. Maybe that's what makes life beautiful.

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