Fool's Gold | Teen Ink

Fool's Gold

May 17, 2015
By XoxoSnowFairy BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
XoxoSnowFairy BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Remember when you were 5 and everyone was nice to each other?
So do I.
We were nice for being nice. Helping for no personal gain.
Saying “I owe you one” and meaning it.
Hearing “I owe you one” and never intending to cash it in.
Having hearts of gold.
Because no one is born evil, we’re born kind.
But where there is kindness, there is corruption.
People take advantage of the kind, the caring and the giving.
Kindness isn’t a weakness but it might as well be.
And once you realise this, your heart of gold blackens.
It rusts.
But real gold doesn’t rust, does it?
No, it doesnt.
The truth is no one is born one hundred percent kind either.
Gold is an illusion and once it’s broken, anything can happen.
The gold on your heart is nothing more than pyrite, fool's gold.
And we were naive enough to believe it.
Once it rust, it keeps rusting, more and more and it doesn't change back.
Once you see it, you become the manipulator.
Abusing every “If you ever need anything” and “I owe you one”.
Stealing one’s kindness till their heart tarnishes, just like yours.
Then moving to the next.
It ‘s a vicious cycle, till eventually,
You have grown up enough to realise the monster under your bed was never there.
It was inside your heart.
You try to change but rust can’t change back.
If you lucky, you can salvage some gold by removing the rust but most aren’t that lucky.
After all, we’re a society with hearts of fools gold.   

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