Running on empty | Teen Ink

Running on empty

May 10, 2015
By kelstrappy BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
kelstrappy BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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There is always a little truth behind every just kidding, a little curiosity behind every just wondering, a little knowledge behind every I don't know, and a little emotion behind every I don't care.

For I am just an old car
Trying to get to the end of this long road
Whose tank is low on hope
And whose battery is dying out

Every time I think I'm almost there
The light turns red on me
Or there is an accident blocking the way
So I have no choice but to stop

I get so close to the destination
But never close enough
It starts to feel like a waste of time
As the road twists on

Don't ask me where this ends
Because I have not a clue
I no longer have a purpose
And there is no gps leading the way

At times I start to wonder
If I should just pull over and give up
Maybe go out with style
By doing a full on flip

Or maybe just drive right off the edge
And not slow down for a second
Everyone drives me from place to place
Yet I never have a say

I was made to help everyone else
But never myself
While I may protect you from the hail
Dents are being made to my armor

In the end
Maybe we are all just cars
Going from place to place
But forgetting why as we go.

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