Death of A Friend | Teen Ink

Death of A Friend

May 8, 2015
By zanebrammell BRONZE, Nicholasville, Kentucky
zanebrammell BRONZE, Nicholasville, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sadness overwhelming like never before,
As the darkness grows, it swallows me whole.
Driving down this lonely road called life,
Looking for the light,
I call out to him, but no answer in sight.

So I continue down this dark road,
Until we reconnect, and recollect the love shared,
Staring straight ahead, ignoring forks in the road,

Looking through the mirror, I can see you staring back at me,
I ask what is the monster I'm becoming to be?
Up until today I felt like I was alive,
But who was really living, was it you, or was it I?

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