The thoughts that fly | Teen Ink

The thoughts that fly

May 6, 2015
By smatgirl98 BRONZE, Lyon, Mississippi
smatgirl98 BRONZE, Lyon, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anyone can live off love because love provides everything though God in heaven. By:me

Do you ever wonder,

the stresses and thoughts that someone else is under?

Do you ever see someone staring at you,

and wonder what did I do?

Do you ever think that maybe that person finds you interesting,

or do you just assume they are testing,

testing you like everyone else around,

wishing you could hide ofrever underground.

Sometimes I feel this way,

but I at least try to watch the things I say.

I wonder, but I know it's best,

to let it go and not be a pest.

Cause they don't bother just looking so why say anything,

look back and smile maybe that will help their pain or soemthing.

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