Restoration | Teen Ink


May 1, 2015
By K4y10v3 BRONZE, Huntigtonpark, California
K4y10v3 BRONZE, Huntigtonpark, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm not blind but I can't see

I have strength, yet I feel so weak
I feel like the weight of  the world
is on my back because lately it's been hard to breath.
I'm stuck in my world, In my thoughts
Melancholy I seem to be, but the main question is what does it mean.
I have been running chasing after wind.
I'm tired and I can't seem to run
it is all so meaningless.
But It's in that silent moment
when you realize to let God take control.
Let him be your eyes,
Let him be your strength
Let him carry your world because he is doing it willingly.
O the fatherly love he has for us,
So please o Lord be my everything.
Be my light, be my redeemer.
O I ask that you my King will please restore me.
Please restore me.
I want to live for your freedom
I want to jump in your everlasting love
I want to be filled with you joy.
Please o lord restore me
Plz restore these broken pieces
The broken pieces that scatter along the floor
Be my light hold my hand I want to run after you.
I want to follow in your ways o lord you're all I need.
It's going to be hard but it's all okay.

The author's comments:

I hope from that when people see my poem they will be inspired by it.

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