Broken | Teen Ink


April 30, 2015
By cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
cj121829 SILVER, Kissimmee, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My heart is afraid of the downfall after success.

broken and insecure
you found me.
Scared of the reshattered glass.
didn't I cut you?
when you helped me
put myself together?
you didn't even notice
that your hands were being cut.
why did you help?
my act was so believeable
I began to fool myself
the strength comes
but doesn't stay.
because if you only knew
of how much I want
to go far away, to run
from everything and every problem
then I'd be a coward with
enough strength in the morning
to walk out the door
until I see you once more.
he holds no power.
just us two against the world
how long? why? please
don't ask me, because
I cannot say. I'm just waiting
waiting for the day to come
where my heart is clear from
all the pain coming from these open wounds.
scared of coming in contact
with the reshattered glass
but thank God,
broken and insecure
you found me.

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