Disappear | Teen Ink


March 30, 2015
By Shontelle514 SILVER, Belfast, Maine
Shontelle514 SILVER, Belfast, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I wish I would stop breathing
As my fragile heart stops beating.
Wondering who would miss me.
Who would even care.
Why does it hurt so bad?
These tears running down my face are poison to my soul,
As I let out gut wrenching cries of agony.
All while wondering,
Who's gonna be there to save me;
Pick me up when I finally fall.
I'm broken and I'm hurting,
But as the days pass,
I plaster on this ever lasting fake smile.
Fooling all those around me every day
And not just every once in awhile.
Why can't anyone hear me crying out.
My cries for help are muffled.
Muffled by the gut wrenching sobs that continue to wrack my body. 
My heart pulses in never-ending anguish
As I just pray for this never ending nightmare to end.
Nothing can change,
The misery that I feel.
Laying wide awake at night,
Wishing I had you near.
How are you so close,
Yet so far away?
This aching in my heart,
Hurts more than I can say.
I wish that I could disappear,
Disappear indefinitely.
Maybe then I'll find out what's wrong completely.

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