You Used to Love Me | Teen Ink

You Used to Love Me

March 28, 2015
By Shontelle514 SILVER, Belfast, Maine
Shontelle514 SILVER, Belfast, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You used to love the way I said your name,
The way I said hello.
You used to hold my hand,
While we walked side by side.
You used to let me hold you tight at night,
All the way into the morning light.
Used to pull me close while you slept.
Now its just a distant memory that I've kept.
I remember when we used to talk about any and everything.
Now our conversations are two and few.
I'm going out of my mind,
Racking the depths of my brain trying to figure out,
What I have done.
My heart aches at the thought of how things used to be,
And how much they have now changed.
Can't you see the pain in my deep brown eyes?
Or feel the intensity of my stare every time I gaze at you?
Or the barely there tears as they continue their journey down my face that's filled with so much emotion.
All the feelings inside causing so much commotion.
I'm crying out,
Begging for you to listen;
To hear me.
Through my words is the only way you can possibly understand.
I'm sorry if there's anything that I've done,
To make you love me any less.
But through these endless tears, I digress.

The author's comments:

The changing love in a relationship

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