Trapped in a Dream | Teen Ink

Trapped in a Dream

February 23, 2015
By LJ Scarpitto BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
LJ Scarpitto BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every night I would run as fast as I could,
But my legs and feet did no good.
I was so close to safety yet always so far,
My feet like anchors, a feeling so bizarre.
There is nothing worse than feeling trapped,
It seemed inevitable that I would be kidnapped.
The men pursued all dressed in black gear,
And drove that white van that all kids fear.
The steps and front door were always in sight,
But just out of reach like Gatsby and his green light.
Thankfully I woke up before getting caught,
But nighttime would fall and again I’m distraught.
Over and over this dream comes to me,
I still haven’t seen what the ending will be.
I need to sleep in – sleep very late,
To end this dream cycle and dream of my fate.

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