It's a Girl | Teen Ink

It's a Girl

January 4, 2015
By jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trapped in a constant
state of imprisonment;
and wrapped in a story-line
creating a hopeful fantasy
that protects her from the
cold indifference of injustice.
Restricted by a body
whose only purpose
is to impose a threat
on her appearance.

Gender is a vast spectrum,
Containing various identities
that is determined
by the individual
and not the doctor who
provides a quick glance
upon delivery.

Parents believing acceptance is
only appropriate if they fit
society’s mold
of gender roles and
“normal” personalities.

A child’s identity isn’t
a coloring book that
entertain the parents
using singular colors
of either pink or blue.
Only the child is
entitled to embrace
the color of the rainbow
bleeding from their skin.

Underneath the burial
of an innocent soul
lies not a shattered son,
but a beautiful radiant girl,
awaiting peace up above;
You will be missed
and your message will be sent.

The author's comments:

This poem is dedicated to Leelah Alcorn. 

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