A Sea Turtle’s Journey | Teen Ink

A Sea Turtle’s Journey

January 3, 2015
By Spirit2s SILVER, New York, New York
Spirit2s SILVER, New York, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The tide comes in and we arrive from the West,
Ocean depths calling us from below
Brought together by instinct, or perhaps by ourselves?
Presented with friendships, we gain knowledge and memories
We work together and accomplish seeing new places
The sea holds us in its heart,
An aqua tapestry starred with jeweled fish and striking coral

And all too soon we must part ways,
Gathering a new sense of connection with all that surrounds us
With new goals and a new journey,
A mind compass within us will guide us back
Heading home, facing the horizon
The waves wash us away to new adventures
Still linked to each other,
We sea turtles possess extrasensory perception with one another

Along our way we listen to the pulsing ocean voices,
The whales deep hum and the dolphins sharp clicks,
The low murmurs of the hammerheads and the soft drones of the eels
They all come together, playing a bonding tune
These notes rise and fall harmonizing with the sea
It is beautiful, it is endless

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