Imaginary and Broken | Teen Ink

Imaginary and Broken

December 16, 2014
By MaddyDam SILVER, Huntington Beach, California
MaddyDam SILVER, Huntington Beach, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is the story of when I met someone by accident.
You blew me away,
During the darkest of my days.
You took my pain and sorrow and buried them in yesterday.

So when you broke our bond,
My heart fragmented too.
I was simply lying to myself
When I kept saying I did not need you.

I planned and plotted
My revenge against you,
Until I found I couldn’t do it;
For hurting you would kill me too.

I finally processed the facts,
That lovers hold on to everything.
Even though I pretended to forget you,
I really held onto hope for that one-day shiny ring.

That’s when I realized,
It’s better I feel pain
Then feel nothing at all,
As I started bleeding the colors of our glorious fall.

I was drifting, falling, tumbling down,
And I’d do it all again for you.
I’d found toxin I loved,
With the label now too late to undo.

When you entered the house,
All you saw was me,
Consecrated with a broken heart,
It was the way I had always wanted it to be.

I guess this is now the end,
The tragedy struck,
And it comes down to the bad boy in the shadows
And the good girl, dead with sour luck.

They all told me life is beautiful;
Apparently I had it all.
If only they knew,
That good girls,


they always fall.

The author's comments:

I simply wrote this about the feeling of betrayal and someone leaving my life. 

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