A Cup of Tea | Teen Ink

A Cup of Tea

December 11, 2014
By IzzyB05 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
IzzyB05 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She sipped on a cup of tea in her tiny cottage.
It was the wrath of the bitter cold winter that kept her inside.
Winter was in full swing,
There was no stopping the cold entering her tinny cottage through the cracks in the siding.
The clouds of white had obstructed her view of the world outside the window for a while now.
This winter had seemed to cut her off, to leave her on her own.
All she could do was try to stay warm inside her own little world in the cottage.
This world was not that bad, it was where her imagination could run wild.
Her imagination was set free and she could entertain herself for days.
She could be a part of magnificent adventures whenever she wished.
One moment she would be a damsel in distress, waiting for her prince charming to come.
The next she was a detective, pouncing on the latest clues and solving the case.
Or a lioness protecting her cubs from the cruel world around them.
Or Virgin Mary riding to Bethlehem giving all her trust in God, cold and afraid.
Or a General, bravely marching forward even though he knew it would be his last battle.
A school girl stressing over finals,
A fairy flying above the world bellow,
A hunter lost in the jungle, 
Or a bird floating on the treetops.
All she had to do was open a book.
Just one book and her little word was new.
Her own little world became bigger with every turn of a page.
She made new friends in the development of each chapter.
With the completion of a single book her world became bigger than the entire universe.
She explored her imagination and grew,
All in her tiny cottage, drinking tea and staying warn amidst the bitter cold winter.

The author's comments:

This is a poem I wrote combining my love of tea, winter, imagination, and reading. I love cold winter weather where I can just sit down with a cup of tea and read. I imagine myself in the story, taking me to new places whenever I pick up a book.

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