Love Poem | Teen Ink

Love Poem

December 2, 2014
By Alpha601 BRONZE, Selma, Oregon
Alpha601 BRONZE, Selma, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Light of my life
Is what you are
Before you, I had to strife
Away from the loneliness scars
That I had felt in my heart

The sky can’t hold my feelings about you
All the love I feel
When you look at me with adoring eyes
That pierce my heart
Making me feel warm on the inside

This feeling is something
I have never felt before
Or ever thought I would have
But your smile gives me butterflies
And the good kind of them too

Now the first day
we hung out as a couple
our hands had touched for the first time
That’s a feeling one does not forget
When Atoms feel so right together

Our first kiss
Was the best
Both mine and yours
There were fireworks in my mind
When my lips touched yours for the first time

Ever since then,
I have always loved you
Never once thought of leaving you
You became my other half
That I could barely live without

Whenever I am with you
Is when I am happiest
Makes me feel all important inside
I am so glad you chose me as your guy
My heart would break to see you with another

Six months may seem like not too long
But it’s important to me
That we have stayed together for that long
Because it just means
We are compatible, like Ron and Hermione

I love you Louisa
I hope this present make your day
Especially since it means
Six months of putting up with me
Forever and Always, Sweetie Belle

The author's comments:

This poem was for my girlfriend, Louisa. It was our 6 month anniversary and it made her so happy. She is my inspiration, my muse.

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