The Unfortunate Hallucinations of Zachary Jones | Teen Ink

The Unfortunate Hallucinations of Zachary Jones

November 3, 2014
By jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Zachary Jones awoke from his slumber,
to flicking lights coming from the hall.
“Is anybody there?” he said,
as he cautiously got out of bed.

He walks, nervously, towards the bathroom door,
to shut the lights so haunting.
He looks at the mirror,
to see his countenance so daunting.

Same eyes, same nose, and face.
He stares with a confused look,
to a figure who seems to be him.
As Zachary runs with fear in his eyes,
he falls to meet his own demise.

Down, down he goes,
falling madly
in a never ending abyss,
thinking death gave him his final kiss.

Zachary wakes again,
back to reality
with a tumultuous scream.
Only to realize it was all a dream.

Every year on Hallows eve,
the figure meets in the house
of Zachary Jones.
Striking the very second he is alone.

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