Basketball | Teen Ink


October 29, 2014
By Vogelbro000 BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
Vogelbro000 BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I play basketball
But I’m not very tall
I try to dunk
But it goes clunk

I do the John Wall
I get up I can take a fall
Coming to the line
Call it clutch time

Better be at the game
Don’t be lame
While I am balling
All the girls be calling

Game winning shot, my heart beating a hundred times a second
If I make this I’ll be a legend
Call it game time
I be drinking Gatorade lemon- lime

I am going to be in the NBA
And be there to stay
Straight to the hall of fame
You’ll remember my name

I pop it from the 3 point line
I hit it all the time
I make it rain
Your team is lame

I always drop 3s
Cross over and hurt your knees
I wear number 23
Never forget me.

The author's comments:

I play basketball.

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