Open Doors | Teen Ink

Open Doors

November 13, 2014
By mnrose BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
mnrose BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My head is full, it can barely withhold

a response like a side effect of feeling

like this is living but its not. Pure presence has been shot.

We forgot that tomorrow isn't guaranteed

in the grand scheme of things.

Our minds do not define who we are.

You cant base the quality of life on its worst

or best times, and it haunts me

what I thought was practicality

but practically its just me

doing what I've always done.

But where has that gotten me

except to now. I'm trying to believe

what I couldn't see yesterday

yet its made a home in my brain

stayed through the abundance of empty

Im trying to open the door
without expecting company

and tell the world something no one ever said
to me
success is subjective and pure logic too
selective to take you to whats divine
all in due time.
How about today the only second you're sure
to be alive.

The author's comments:

This is about the moment when you discover that life is too short to live on the safe side. When people realize that they have a choice to either live in fear or live abundantly. This is about the feeling when you want nothing else but to live inside your passion. 

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