lit by Chrissy Leach | Teen Ink

lit by Chrissy Leach

November 13, 2014
By chrispyl BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
chrispyl BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


he sparked a hot fire in your heart
fed more by each touch,
growing hungrier every night
you found yourself obsessively wondering
what made him choose her
on that particularly brisk night,
but maybe tomorrow you can have him.

when she falls asleep,
her heart still fluttering from his deceptively
innocent, lovingly cold touches
he pulls his phone off the bedside table,
it's your turn to feel special.
your veins rush as you inject his words,
heart stopping

addicted to him
like the kiss
of death
you hate him for intoxicating you with his selfishness
but for all you know he could be at home
in his own bed thinking about you.
not in her bed thinking about himself.

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