Stains | Teen Ink


November 5, 2014
By bizzyzutrau GOLD, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
bizzyzutrau GOLD, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don&#039;t matter, and those who matter don&#039;t mind.&quot;<br /> -Dr. Suess

He crawls through the mud. He is sweet and black earth,
he touches the gentle body of dirt
squeaks noises through the crocodile grass with nails
like a creek.
Do not crawl! I’d scream. You do not even have boots on, and your socks
are fine white cotton with a hole in the heel- but still
grass stains will stay there past July.
I light the candle to eat our salami.
I listen to grains, I feel a scream in the willow. Do not let the cold get to me.
I rest the setting sun in between my thumb and pointer, and I think.
It’s not real anymore.
It’s November
I am here at home. I am here in bed, there is
no grain.
The sheets are my creek,
there was never a fire or a fun, and there is no more wicker or picnic.
He’s gone. Goodbye stains and goodbye summer.
6 AM, a job, no candles,
So, I
Light the gas.
Pour three tired dreams into my coffee mug, don’t spill, they will not wash out of cotton.

The author's comments:

I miss summer 

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