I Am the Tires | Teen Ink

I Am the Tires

November 5, 2014
By Camas Allison-Bunnell BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
Camas Allison-Bunnell BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the tires

that carried you to freedom.
I am the steel frame,
hard boned,
and cable driven machine.
I am the thing that was once
the most dangerous mode of transportation.
I am what sparked the
Wright brothers’ inspiration.
My cousins,
the glass brained children of man,
are fragile,
and frail creatures.
The mineral oil in my veins,
saves you from falling.
I am titanium.
I might be the
most amazing mechanical innovation.
I am hot summer days.
I am the trails that have been traveled,
by many feet.
I am the dust that rises
and then settles
given a good  rain storm.
I am the wild plums,
the laughter of friends and the sour juice.
I am the creek,
cold and rushing.
I am the speed of a passing car.
I am pure joy.

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