The Cemetery of Missoula | Teen Ink

The Cemetery of Missoula

November 5, 2014
By Camas Allison-Bunnell BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
Camas Allison-Bunnell BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The creators of the cemetery

Jonathon and Mark,
wanted it to be sacred ground.
They made provisions
for it to be protected under law.
Afraid that the ghosts
would intermingle
and have ghoulish offspring,
they buried the dead by heritage.
Then they designated a section
for the most noble of corpses –
The priests,
the Shriners and the Free Masons.
Then there are just simple squares
of cast concrete for a grave marker
of the poor person.
It can be haunting place,
one of fear and sadness,
but also a joyful celebration
of a life well lived.
I touch a tombstone
and think about
whose life it marks.
It is a feeling that I will never tire of.

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