Talent | Teen Ink


October 27, 2014
By jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

During my sophomore year,
my teacher asked every student
to take a personality quiz.
Some questions were,
what clubs we liked,
what was our favorite subject,
and what we wanted to be.
Naturally, I filled them out with honest answers,
because that’s what high-schoolers are supposed to do.
The fourth question kind of stumped me, though.
“What are you good at?”
It’s so general, I didn’t know what to say.
I’m good at finishing a Chipotle burrito in 10 minutes.
I’m good at going to concerts and screaming when they play my favorite song.
I’m good at writing personal notes in a journal that I only I would understand.
But none of these seemed to be appropriate.
So, naturally, I answered English because that was my highest grade.
Also, this answer appeals to how a student should respond. Because isn’t that what high-schoolers are supposed to do?

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