top of your begging point | Teen Ink

top of your begging point

October 17, 2014
By nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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a kiss can be comma, a question mark, or a exclamation point. Thats basic spelling every woman should know.

It brings you down,

It pulls you in.

Wanting more and more, you can't help but snort.

Your brain is fading away as you use.


a demon

That destroys your life.


Not knowing what your actions are doing to others.

You cry

You pleed

To God asking for the pain to stop,

He doesn't listen.

You continue to use.

The full effect kicks in

And when it stops...

You are at the top of your begging point.

The pain is so great. You begin to hallucinate

You begine to see things. You're delusional. You can't help it.

You use again. You get high for the rush!

Depressed and hopeless you lay waiting to get sober.

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