In Her Binder | Teen Ink

In Her Binder

September 29, 2014
By t.marie3 BRONZE, SMITHFIELD, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The spirited student’s three-ring binder, in its responsible organization,
is—at first glance—juxtaposed to the spontaneous personality of its owner. 
However, the bearer of the binder is later realized to have reflected that responsibility
in the various pencils that she lends—which are never seen again—
in the papers that she donates for the sake of her fellow students—
only to be contributed to their own binders—
and in her ever on-time homework. 
This idyllic paradoxical blend of responsibility and energy,
that transcends even a loose-leaf container,
belies the studious, yet entertainingly extemporaneous.

The author's comments:

In my English class, each student was asked to write a poem about another student.  I wanted my poem to depict what one can see if they sincerely pay attention.  The resulting observation can be surprising, comical, and revealing. 

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on Oct. 15 2014 at 4:44 pm
LoonyKitty01 PLATINUM, Sacramento, California
21 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Of course this is happening in your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?" -Dumbledore

If there was this option on there, I would have chosen it: True.