Patriarchal World | Teen Ink

Patriarchal World

September 28, 2014
By jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
jessica.sison SILVER, Belleville, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tell me feminism shouldn’t exist,
when women feel inferior to men.
Where misogyny and sexism
are still issues.


Tell me feminism shouldn’t exist,
when a boy can walk around in just his underwear,
but a girl can’t walk around in shorts and a t-shirt
without being sexually harassed with inappropriate stares.


Tell me feminism shouldn’t exist,
when we are taught “boys will be boys,”
but I am taught to despise myself,
by a society that shuns our self-esteem and feeds on our flaws.


Tell me feminism shouldn’t exist
in this patriarchal world,
meeting the credentials of “true beauty” established by
a demeaning Cosmopolitan magazine.


Tell me feminism shouldn’t exist
when the media teaches girls
to only care about two six-letter words:
Skinny. Pretty. Skinny. Pretty.

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