love poem #338 | Teen Ink

love poem #338

August 10, 2014
By nocarsgo77 BRONZE, Pomfret, Connecticut
nocarsgo77 BRONZE, Pomfret, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh! Sweet love
Of damp palms
And soft kisses; w(she)e must tr(l)ust!

A c rea(c)tion of the loved
And romanticized (pup)pets
Led by the b(cr)ook
Compositions of the face l e s s
Hark! We shall reli(piss)sh in admiration

We have come to pluck from the forb(h)idden fruit
Alas! The poison has become wine!
For the blood and nectar are (n)one

Blank screens have right?fully presen(decep)ted
With many v(ch)oices
Hypnotic disc(f)or?d
In search of a pri(ce)ze

The author's comments:
My way of making fun of the societal pressure to find love and be in love.

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