The Hardest Part | Teen Ink

The Hardest Part

July 15, 2014
By mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
mindofthelabyrinth SILVER, Pilot Point, Texas
9 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;&#039;There&#039;s only one thing that&#039;s universal.&#039;<br /> &#039;What&#039;s that?&#039;<br /> &#039;The truth.&#039;&quot;<br /> -Deadline by Chris Crutcher

The hardest part is knowing.
Knowing that you have no reason to be mad at him
Knowing all of the things he has done
And yet, you still make excuses
"Maybe it wasn't him..." or, "maybe they were lying! He couldn't have done that..."
All this anger is stacking up and all you really want to do is scream into your pillow at 1:00 AM
And you cry yourself to sleep because that's the only way you can get rid of this pain
You're aching and breaking and you don't know how much longer you have until you finally explode
You feel as if you're hooked to a weight at the bottom of the ocean and you're trying so hard to hold your breath in,
But you can't because your mind is screaming, "You need to breathe! You need to breathe!"
And you hurts...
You hurt so, so much....

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