Absolutely Me | Teen Ink

Absolutely Me

July 11, 2014
By Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ever feel as useless as a white crayon, then you need to find someone who likes black paper, my friend.

They treat me like a ghost
As if their words flow right through me
I convince myself how much I don’t care
But no matter how hard I try, those words are still there
And as those words sink deeper into my skin,
They create wounds that really hurt within
Yet I can’t describe how long the pain lasts
Sometimes I wish it would go away really fast
But then I say to myself
That I am who I am
And their words don’t have the power to change me
Because I’m strong
And their words are only wrong
And I’m me
Just me
And absolutely me

Sometimes I’m just thin air
No one would appreciate me until I’m gone
And they aren’t reminded that as they take a breath
That it’s me that keeping them from death
And sometimes I’m a mirror
They look into me and only see themselves
There actions are only reflected
Yet never perfected
Then I say to myself
That I am who I am
And their words don’t have the power to change me
Because I’m strong
And their words are only wrong
And I’m me
Just me
And absolutely me

But then I realize that haters will only hate
Because there is nothing and no one to love them
And they’re just jealous of the love that surrounds me
And the rest of my family
So we should say to ourselves
We are who we are
And their words wont ever change us
Because we’re strong
And their words are only wrong
And we are us
Just us
And absolutely us

The author's comments:
This poem is about bullying. Be proud of who you are and stay strong!

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