keep Your Fire Burning | Teen Ink

keep Your Fire Burning

July 11, 2014
By Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ever feel as useless as a white crayon, then you need to find someone who likes black paper, my friend.

We all have a little fire in us
In each of our hearts it burns inside
Standing proud when we have fate in ourselves
Burning strongly, with nothing to hide

On the coldest and rainiest days
We have to keep our hearts burning
Not even the strongest wave of rain can put out
A faithful fire of love and yearning

You must remember as your fire burns
And as you look up into the stormy clouds above
That there is a sun still shining back there
Brightly overflowing with god’s love

There is no fire without wind and water
But these will only toughen your fire
Just know that the barriers that come in life
Will persist the burning that will never tire

Life will never be easy or simple
One day, you will make a mistake
It may crack or even shatter a little
But your life will never break

Never give up on what you believe in
And your fire will continue to burn inside
Great things will come in the challenges you meet
When you keep your fire burning with pride

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