The Everlasting Oak Tree | Teen Ink

The Everlasting Oak Tree

July 11, 2014
By Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ever feel as useless as a white crayon, then you need to find someone who likes black paper, my friend.

Friendship is an oak tree
It’s strong as ever as can be
The harsh winter will try to make it fall
But don’t worry—this won’t ever happen at all
Its roots hold it together
So that it can’t be broken like a feather
And the branches may begin to grow apart
But it’s still together at the heart
The storms break out again and again
But even through each season
It remains standing for all to see
Because it’s an everlasting oak tree

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