Sweet Dreams of Mine | Teen Ink

Sweet Dreams of Mine

July 11, 2014
By Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
Amber_Young SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you ever feel as useless as a white crayon, then you need to find someone who likes black paper, my friend.

I live to fall into an endless sleep
Dreaming of a world different from my own
A fairyland, that I wish was mine to keep
Filled with love, and to never feel alone
But now that you're gone, I wish to never awake
Because you now only exist in my dreams
I'll never again feel your touch for my sake
That even in the dark could make my heart gleam
In my dreams you're there for me, to love and care
I can almost feel your touch against my cheek
Nothing will ever overpower the love that's in the air
Because this love is what keeps me from being too weak
In my wonderland, you're with me, where you belong
And we share old memories of the two of us
But when I wake up, I look over only to find that you're gone
And then sweet dreams I once had disappeared like dust

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