Retrospect | Teen Ink


June 17, 2014
By Lani10i BRONZE, Milton, New Hampshire
Lani10i BRONZE, Milton, New Hampshire
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stand before a towering crag
Amidst a great and grassy field,
And though the goal is plain
And the objective just as clear,
I cannot help but wonder
I cannot help but ponder
How I wound up here

Thinking back to previous times,
When the air was crisp and cool,
And the youthful life I held so dear
Drifted on the autumn breeze
I cannot help but wonder
I cannot help but ponder
How I left with ease

Further still, I remember when
Rules were gold and clothing white,
Not tarnished with the dust of age,
Nor broken by falling stone
I cannot help but wonder
I cannot help but ponder
How my heart has grown

Though distant dreams and nostalgic thoughts
Could never bare the chronic strain
Of the journey I soon must make
Through the grass and rocky track,
I just cannot help but wonder,
And I cannot help but ponder
If perhaps I could turn back

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