Darling | Teen Ink


June 9, 2014
By MaddieDragsbaek BRONZE, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
MaddieDragsbaek BRONZE, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Darling, Your size does not define you.

The numbers that blink through watered down blurred vision
do not represent all that you are and all that you will be,
but trust me, I know first hand that when you feel too big or too small,
sometimes that number is all you can see

Darling, Your size does not define you.

Your hips will never stop you from walking the runway,
and your thighs will never stop you from running a marathon,
but somehow we’ve been taught to believe
that your limits are prewritten in your ever so beautiful skeleton

Darling, Your size does not define you.

I remember sitting myself down,
tearing myself apart,
because I wasn’t a size zero,
and didn’t look like a piece of art

Darling, Your size does not define you.

I couldn’t get through the day without comparing myself to others,
without fixating my eyes on the latest magazine beauty queen,
as she screamed “GET YOUR DREAM BODY”,
and I began starving myself at the age of fourteen

Darling, Your size does not define you.

and I stand here today, a strong woman because of the pain,
wanting to protect my sisters from the demons I’ve faced,
wanting to tattoo in their brains,
that their beauty does not lie within the measurements of their waist

Darling, Your size does not define you.

It doesn’t matter if you’re under or over what you’ve grown up being told to be,
Your beauty radiates from the depths of your soul,
Your beauty overflows with each blink of your eyes and smile that leaves your lips,
Your beauty is contained in who you are as a whole

Darling, Your size does not define you.

So lets join together
and change the way we’re taught to feel,
change these crazy unrealistic standards,
and change the way girls are molded to fit preset “ideals”

Darling, Your size does not define you.

And before you go to bed tonight,
walk right over to the mirror,
tell the reflection 10 reasons they’re brimming with beauty,
and eventually your glow will become much clearer

Darling, Your size does not define you.

Your beauty is written in the thoughts you think,
the happiness in your eyes,
and the dreams that you can’t stop dreaming
but never the distance between your thighs

You are beautiful, You are Breathtaking, You are Worth it
Darling, Your size does not define you.

The author's comments:
I wrote this after I read my poem called "Disgusting" in front of an audience. I was feeling good about myself that night, wanted to share what I know but sometimes struggle to remember 100% of the time. I'm still learning.

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