Daily Showdown | Teen Ink

Daily Showdown

May 28, 2014
By FLLFOTB2 BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
FLLFOTB2 BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your annoying alarm clock wakes you up;
As you struggle to come to your conscious;
Every day it makes you look like a chump;
It taunts you and makes you feel quite nauseous;
You know it’s just because you just won’t get going;
But your young, strong legs feel like old guy pegs;
The reason could be that you are growing;
The longing for the usual toast and eggs;
Makes you start drooling just lying in bed;
You wake your brain up and it starts to run;
It runs around to get ready and fed;
As you think to yourself, wasn’t that fun;
For the future, I’ll tell you what to do;
You must shake it off and power on through!

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