My love, my dearest | Teen Ink

My love, my dearest

May 28, 2014
By nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
a kiss can be comma, a question mark, or a exclamation point. Thats basic spelling every woman should know.

My love, my dearest
I want to know the truth
Do you love me?
Do you not?
I really must know
The suspense is killing me
You must tell me soon
My heart only continues aching for you
My love, my dearest
Will you tell me now?
I want to be loved by you
I really want to know.
So is it yes?
Or is it no?
My love, my dearest
Please tell me how you feel.
Do you even know?
That I love you so?

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