Live each day like there is no tomorrow | Teen Ink

Live each day like there is no tomorrow

May 27, 2014
By SavanahCampa BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
SavanahCampa BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is precious,
It is a gift
At a very young age
I have learned my very first life lesson.
Life is not fair
I now know.
One day heading home
When I was the age at four months old.
The tires screeched,
My mom she screamed,
I cried for I had no idea what was going on.
Then came the other car
Our car spun around,
Then came no more sound.
Everyone was out cold,
The ambulance came,
The cops were called,
When they came,
there they saw,
Two cars that had collided.
Both totaled
And damaged.
In one they saw a man with a whole bunch of empty beer cans
In the other
They saw me and my mother
And all the glass that had shattered.
They see my mother covered in blood
And screaming in pain.
Then they see me
Still and quiet
With glass implanted into my brain.
As we got to the hospital the doctors had thought that that was the last of my days,
But then a few hours later the doctors had said,
Ma’am here is your daughter.
My mom in tears and she smiled
Then they said she is a miracle child.
Because of that man
Here I stand
With scars from the past
That I see every time I took into the glass.
I could hold on to my anger against that man,
But there is no rewind button,
There is no going back.
I guess what I am trying to say
Live each day like it is your last,
Live each day like there is no tomorrow.

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