Cute. | Teen Ink


May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

I look around and what do I see but all these supposed friends telling you that you are cute, and although it pains me to say this I must tell you that this is not true. No, I exclaim, what she has is more than simple cuteness, it is not something that mere words can even begin to express. The beauty that surrounds her like an aura, shrouding her in grace, this cannot be described with such a word as "cute", no , one must use more poetic means to describe the very picture of beauty.

The author's comments:
The reason I wrote this poem of sorts , was partly to critique the way society overused the word cute and never tried to be creative with their compliments. The other reason was to ask if this sounds like something I could send to this girl that I met over the weekend. She already has a boyfriend, but I will not let that stand in my way seeing that I just watched Dead poet's society. CARPE DIEM. Please comment your opinions about the writing

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