Fading Away/ Already Faded | Teen Ink

Fading Away/ Already Faded

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

When she looks in the mirror
She doesn't see a girl smiling from ear to ear.
Instead she sees a depressing frown
From being left out and being put down.

She just wants to be accepted.
She just wants to be reconnected.
She also wants to be loved,
But no one notices shes's soon going above.

Now she is crying
She is slowly dying.
Trying to reach out for help,
But no one hears her faint yelp.

She never really did think;
Until she saw the blood in the sink.
When she started to feel faint,
She realized it was already too late.

As she saw the light
She wished with all her might
That she didn't take her life
With the blade of a knife

When she saw the Golden Gate
She forgot about all the hate
That she received before
As she closed the door

As she walked on the streets of gold
She felt overly bold
She felt as she was accepted
She was feeling reconnected

That very day
As her past seemed to fade away
She looked in the mirror
And saw a girl smiling ear to ear.

The author's comments:
A couple years ago I had some problems with myself and everyone around me. I really didn't feel connected to the world and I always wanted to be alone. These poems are about my life and what I thought it would be if I would have committed suicide

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