you never were my mom | Teen Ink

you never were my mom

May 28, 2014
By nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
nollium PLATINUM, Reidsville, North Carolina
20 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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a kiss can be comma, a question mark, or a exclamation point. Thats basic spelling every woman should know.

Don’t call it a crime
When I lay down my rhyme
People think that I’m messed up, growing up the way I had
But really, I’m just mad
At the world, cuz I’m hurt, yeah Ma look what you done.
This battle you started is yet to be won.
Yeah you think that you won, but look at the daughter you lost.
That’s right I said it, you just made me cross
You know how I am when I’m mad, you won’t see me coming
This is your warning Jana, you better start running?
You remember the promise of never leaving you made?
Yeah, I still remember that day.
What did I do to make you go away?
You promised you would stay. You promised you would stay.
I have the right to know why you never showed.
Up to my 7th birthday party, how could you be so cold?
Correct me if I’m wrong
But aren’t you my mom?
Then why was I adopted?
Why didn’t you stop it?
You created this monster; I’m a cold hearted killer.
Yeah I’m straight outta a Stephen King thriller.
You made me the way I am
And this is where we stand
You thought you were my mom
You were wrong

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