Scarlet | Teen Ink


May 22, 2014
By RoxasStar SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
RoxasStar SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let my pressing thought let you know, I want you to kiss me softly
Love is tainting the night deeply scarlet
The side of your face shone by the moonlight
Turns back with a probing gaze
It repeats on many nights
Exchanging our feelings even from afar
With a passionate desire, hold me to your chest and kiss my neck
Our sweet, trembling emotions will last forever
Tease my lips to this aching feeling you had touched with your fingers
And whisper with a gentle voice full of affection
Shining with a faint light, you're too far away from me
It's too vague, so I can't reach you with these wings
From now on, I'll go through the night
In search of your warmth
Let my pressing thought let you know, I want you to kiss me softly
My eyes are worn out from crying so hold me, without words
Someday you would get to know about this heart shining faintly inside me
Love is tainting the night deeply scarlet
It repeats on many nights
Exchanging our feelings even from afar
With a passionate desire, hold me to your chest and kiss my neck
Our sweet, trembling emotions will last forever
Tease my lips to this aching feeling you had touched with your fingers
And whisper with a gentle voice full of affection
Let my pressing thought let you know, I want you to kiss me softly
My eyes are worn out from crying so hold me, without words
Someday you would get to know about this feeling shining faintly inside me
Love is tainting the night deeply scarlet
Even if we're apart, we believe we won't lose sight of each other...
Hold me, without words...

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