Faded Memory | Teen Ink

Faded Memory

May 22, 2014
By RoxasStar SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
RoxasStar SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking on all by myself,
I glance up to the sky,
It is a scarlet red,
And filled with dread,

Can't help but cry,
Though I can walk through this life not alone,
But lose many things,
I can't condone,

They'll just become... a faded memory,
Strength is burning up inside me in flame,
My weakness is vanishing,
Hung in shame But I know,

They'll both become the key.... To dissolving all the clouds,
That's shaded my whole world into a crimson hue,
I'll help the sun shine through,

Fluttering into the wind,
My hair is shining bright,
It is just like a fire,

And my desire Is to pierce the dawn,
Fighting for all of my dreams and feelings,
Deep inside I'm using all my might,
I'll win this fight,
And I'll find the strength to keep moving on.

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