bleeding heart bleeding arm | Teen Ink

bleeding heart bleeding arm

May 16, 2014
By Myeyeshide BRONZE, Lisbon, North Dakota
Myeyeshide BRONZE, Lisbon, North Dakota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
BE YOURSELF BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN- I can't remember who its by though

My heart bleeds out mom
You can't see it but i can
My arm bleeds out mom and as you walk in on it you scream, but then you close the door.
I have a bleeding heart for you and now a bleeding arm.
And you don't care mom... you don't care

The author's comments:
I self-harmed for years, i told my mom the first year i started cutting, she got me help for about a month then we jus stopped going. I have tried to get help and she just ignores me and my problems. Eventually i got help, but this poem was always in my mind.

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